이 콘텐츠는 속초 Museum X 에 전시되는 다양한 미디어 아트 콘텐츠 중 하나 입니다.
'Voyage of Time' 이라는 제목으로, 다양한 공간 속 관람객이 마치 시간 여행을 하는 듯한 느낌을 받을 수 있도록 제작했습니다.
처음엔 시간(Hour)을 단위로 빛에 의해 공간이 변화되며, 이후엔 그 단위가 커져 하루(Day) 이상에 따른 변화를 보여줍니다.
그 변화 속에서 '탄생과 소멸' 을 표현하였습니다.
This content is one of the various media art contents displayed at Sokcho MuseumX.
The title of this content is 'Voyage of Time', and we created this content so that visitors would feel as if they were traveling through time.
Artwork for each part
(Panorama version)
< Process >
We had to make this content feel like the audience was actually in this space.
So, we first set the horizon position in 3D software (Cinema 4D) by considering the human perspective in real space (POV).
In this process, we set the camera to low & wide angle.
Since the content had to be projected on a total of 5 sides in real space,
the border points of each side had to be modified so that they could be connected seamlessly.
This work was done by taking the render sequence from cinema4d to After Effects and modifying it.
And the actual height of the space was about 7m,
The scale of the elements in the 3D scene was adjusted to take the actual scale into account.
Vortex star trails
We used the X-Particle in Cinema 4D to create the 'Vortex star trails' that are the highlight of this content.
The movement of Light & Shadow
The movement of light and shadow that is seamlessly connected to each side and projected.
Timelapse Effect
we added animation to the value of the 'SEED' option in the Scatter object.
And also deleted frames between sequences in After Effects, making the previously smooth movement look like stop motion.
Client - XORBIS
Project Magement / Planning - Changhoon Nam
3D Artist - Changhoon Nam, Eunki Kwon, Taeyang Lee
Sound - XORBIS